salam...kwn2, org nk mintak tolong blh? tolong bg ader majlis knduri sabtu ni..anty org kitorg 1 famly boria pakai baju samer..ader org sponsor =) heheh..
so masalah skang ialah...i dunno which tudung is suitable ngn baju tu..first, sila lihat pic..yg atas tu baju, n bwh tu kain dia..i'll wear black inner sbb baju tu nipis, malas nk wat lining =p
org dh byk sgt tudung coklat..x tau yg maner match ngn baju tu..xkan nk beli tudung baru kot? mbazir jer..lg btambah plak tudung kwn2, sile bg pendapat k..i know u ol smua vogue2, stylo n pakar2 fesyen..i ni budak kampung jer..hahah..ok, pejam mata...n mula berimaginasi k..heheh..
no 3 hani!!no 2 pon ok gaks...
either no 3 or 2 ek ciksu? thanks a lot ciksu =) keep following my blog =)
eh, shamsuria link blog sham ek =)
yup! 2 n 3. :) would be nice then.
sy suke no. 3! :) sbb kain ngan baju dh kna add a bit of patent to the whole getup.
kak zieyla : huhu..2 n 3 gak ek..thanks kak zieyla =)
shema : =) btul3, baru la 'naik' kan? thanks shema =)
my vote goes for number 3 darling~!
wuuuuu..ramai yg vote no 3...thanks laling..muahh3!!
hani..xyah pakai tudung la...ikat rambut..tocang kiri kanan..mesti comel..hehehe..:)
xdela..i go for no.3..
hehehe..rambut dh pendek, x bleh tocang2 3 juger?? huhu..thanks k hawe =)
kan btol,ramai yg pilih no.3...hehehe
yup,sham nih..baru nk bertatih ni...ahakssss^^
hehehe..xper, lamer2 nnti expert la =) thanks sham..
so,mane pic kenduri yg pakai baju n tdg no 3??hehehe
erkkk..pic x ditransfer lg..sabar yer sham..heheh
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